This impact story was published by LittleDrops Orphanage Fund. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Karimi will start at Ndururumo High School!

Bernard G modeling his new school uniform
Dear Benjamin,

Karimi is very excited to start school at Ndururumo High School, which is located in the town of Nyahururu in central Kenya.

Here you can see Karimi wearing his new school uniform. Karimi and his two siblings came to live with his grandmother when he was six years old after his father was shot.

He reports feeling very blessed that his schooling is funded and promises to make his donors proud.

Karimi dreams of becoming an engineer. It is thanks to generous support from Oluwadara, Digvijay and Paola and a matching grant from Neil Patel that Karimi will be able to pursue his career goals!

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